hannah facial care

Hannah has stood for skin improvement since 1979! The unprecedented specialization in skin improvement, years of practical experience and the absolute pioneering of revolutionary connective tissue massage have together led to an effective step-by-step plan for the skin. This unique total concept has the following main objectives:
an effective and, above all, sustainable skin improvement for everyone!
The objective of a hannah skin coach is to make you aware of your skin and to achieve skin improvement through the hannah method, products and techniques. hannah is characterized by a personal way of skin improvement in which you as a person are completely central. You will be treated with empathy by the skin coach with skin improvement as the goal. The hannah products are also specially tailored to your skin, because every skin is unique! Using hannah products at home to support the treatment is an essential part of improving your skin. The skin coach will guide you, but you will have to take responsibility for the daily care of your skin.
When developing products, the mission is to bring damaged skin back into balance and thus offer the skin opportunities to recover. In addition, this can slow down skin aging. If products are able to improve problem skin, you can determine the impact of the products on normal skin. As a user you quickly discover the added value of the products!
hannah cleanse
Healthy skin feels resilient and looks radiant. By cleansing your skin daily, the skin is able to absorb and optimally utilize the skin-improving active ingredients.
By treating your skin to an intense peeling every week, you ensure the stimulation of the skin cells. A real boost for your skin that hydrates and vitalizes your skin.
hannah Stimulate
Stimulating blood circulation in the skin is an essential step within the Hannah system for skin improvement. By stimulating the skin, it is optimally supplied with oxygen and other active nutrients
hannah recover
Oxygen, moisture, vitamins and the right nutrients are of the utmost importance for recovering your skin.
Skin improvement can be very clear. With this awareness, the products have been developed based on exclusively plant-based ingredients, without synthetic additives. This line is clear and easy for every skin condition, with respect for people, the skin and the environment.
We all want to grow older, but preferably in a beautiful and healthy way! The Red Line contains everything to structurally and long-term maintain the natural beauty and youthfulness of the skin, even for damaged skin.
There are days when your skin asks for extra sparkle, a healthy glow or intensive help with recovery. On other days you might want a more matte complexion or a little extra color on your increasingly bleary face. Whatever your skin preference, with the 'Touch' products you can provide your skin with customized support for the desired effect.
With a new vision on sun protection, a line of products has been developed to protect and maintain beautiful and healthy skin in the sun. This innovative line was developed thinking about skin type instead of SPF numbers!
The body skin has specific requirements regarding its care. It is very important that the body skin is well protected, remains supple and hydrated and is provided with the right nutrients.